
Should condoms be distributed in high schools?

I recently had to debate this subject, and I had to debate against condom distribution. Although I felt condoms should be available in high schools, before this assignment I really didn't know much about either side of the argument. Here is what I knew: condoms help reduce the risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and reduce the risk of pregnancy. Condoms are used inconsistently among sexually active teenagers. In the United States 1 in 5 sexually active teens (ages 15-19) become pregnant every year. That adds up to almost 800,000 pregnancies a year, resulting in half a million births and a quarter of a million abortions. Also in the U.S., 1 in 4 teens will contract an STI. So as you can see I knew a few statistics (in my opinion very alarming statistics) and that was it. This is what I learned:

Among sexually active high school students who reported being sexually active in 2003:

  • 14% used oral contraceptives only
  • 49% used condoms only
  • 6% used both oral contraceptives and condoms
  • 11% relied on the withdrawal method
  • 3% contraceptive injections
  • 2% used both condoms and contraceptive injections
  • 12% used no method
  • (the remaining 3% did not give clear answers)

Condom use among adolescents decreases as they mature.  In the 9th grade self-reported condom use is at 62.9%, however, it drops down to 49.5% by senior year.  In schools where condoms are available - 98% of schools offer counseling to students and in 49% of schools counseling is mandatory for condom receipt.  Counseling typically includes: information on abstinence, instruction on proper storage and use of condoms, and demonstration of how to put a condom on and take it off.  

  1. Teenagers are already having sex - make it safe sex
  2. Distribution of condoms creates an environment in which safe sex is seen as normal
  3. Stop the spread of STIs and STDs (such as HIV)
  4. Each year an estimated 3 million adolescents are infected with STIs, accounting for 25% of the estimated 12 million new STIs occurring annually in the United States
  5. AIDS is the 6th leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds
  6. Condom availability does not increase sexual activity in teens
  7. Make using condoms the norm for teenagers
  8. Enforces responsibility 
  9. Teens may not buy condoms because of the cost or embarrassment 
  10. If you are teaching safe sex, students should have access to safe sex!
  1. Not the school's responsibility
  2. Classrooms disturbances
  3. Condoms are not the answer - we should not promote teens having sex
  4. Condoms are not 100% effective - there is no such thing as "safe" sex
  5. Takes away from abstinence only education
  6. Takes away from the rights of parents
  7. Parents should be educated so they can be responsible for their children's sexual health
  8. Offensive to some religious/moral/personal beliefs
  9. Very expensive to the school and taxpayers
  10. Free contraceptives can be found at many free health clinics

After preparing and presenting my side of the argument, the only con that I agreed with was the expense of distributing free condoms.  However, the research is overwhelmingly clear that teenagers are having sex.  It is also clear that many of them are not using condoms as contraceptives and those that do use them often do not use them properly or consistently.  This leads me to believe that in addition to sex education classes and demonstrations, and available counselors, condoms should be available in schools.  A study here in Massachusetts interviewed more than 4,000 high school students and found that condom distribution did not increase the percentage of sexually active students.  It did, however, lead to more consistent condom use among already sexually active teenagers.    

“In the fight against AIDS, condoms save lives. If you oppose the distribution of condoms, something is more important to you than saving lives." – Melinda Gates

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