
The sex trade in India - Stopping child prostitution and the spread of HIV/AIDS

Lately I've been doing a lot of research on the red-light districts in Asia, especially in India.  For anyone who doesn't know a red-light district is an area of a town or city containing numerous brothels, strip clubs, and other sex businesses.  Honestly I have no problem with sex workers - as long as they are of age and choose to work in the sex industry.  My biggest problem with prostitution is the abuses the women are often forced to suffer.  However, the red-light districts in Asia have a huge problem with selling children and women into the sex trade and forcing them to work.  (I know that there are children sex workers in the U.S., too.  But since it is not as common and it is not socially acceptable here I am focusing on the problems in Asia.)  

If you are looking for a humanitarian cause to support or donate to, I suggest doing some research on groups working to remove children from the sex trade.  I'm so inspired by the work being done by all of the different individuals, humanitarian groups, and documentary film makers who are working to either stop children from entering the sex trade or educating the world about what is happening to these children.

I have attached two documentaries on the red-light districts in India (click on the links above the pictures at the bottom of this post).  The first one is called 
India - The Sex Workers, by PBS's Frontline and is only 20 minutes long.  It talks briefly about the children, but focuses more on the problems sex workers face, specifically AIDS.  It is an educational and powerful film.  I think that everyone should watch it - you can find the time!  The second one is full length documentary called Born into Brothels.  As you can tell from the name, it focuses on the children.  It is a little bit slower and wasn't as powerful for me, but definitely worth watching if you have the time.

The videos focus on sex workers in Kolkata, India (which was previously known as Calcutta) and Mumbai, India (which is largest city in India and home of the largest red-light district in Asia).  The stories are both inspiring and heartbreaking.  It was so shocking for me to see (in
The Sex Workers) how intelligent, well spoken, and determined the workers were.  I was overwhelmed by how hard they were working to make their lives safer and how hard they were working to try and keep the children of India out of the district.  At the same time I was sickened by the fact that parents willingly sell their children into the sex trade.... knowing the life of abuse they will be facing.  I cannot imagine what sort of parent would voluntarily put their child into that life, fully aware of the continuous rape, abuse, degradation, and possibility of death that their children will be facing on a daily basis.  It makes me feel sick.  But then I wonder if maybe those parents truly believe that they are giving their children a better life??  How can that be?  It makes me so thankful for where I was raised and for the fact that we expect our children to be safe and receive an education.  I'm often angry at our leaders and our policies, but today I'm feeling very grateful for my country, the life I live, and the knowledge that my children will never experience what these children experience every day.  


So, how effective are condoms??

In one of my sexuality classes I came across a list of rules for condom usage that I thought was really good.  I think that too often people do not realize how often condoms are not used properly and therefore how high the risks of transmitting STIs and becoming pregnant actually are.  When used consistently (that means every time :) and correctly condoms have an incredibly high success rate at preventing pregnancies.  In fact they have have a 0.02% failure rate.  Unfortunately, people often use them improperly (meaning they fail to follow one of the rules below), so in typical use the failure rate is actually 12%.  That means that 12 women out of 100 whose partners rely on condoms alone can expect to become pregnant during a year of use.  In my opinion that is a very high number!  And Trojan sure does not advertise that their condoms typically work 88% of the time!  So we know that condoms can work - then why aren't they?  I can only assume that people are unaware of how easy it is to misuse a condom.  I know putting on a condom might seem incredibly basic to most of us, but just in case you are doing something wrong - if you ever use condoms as contraceptives - I would suggest reading these rules:
  • Use a condom each and every time you have intercourse!
  • Check the expiration date - do NOT use if it has expired!!!
  • Do not use any condom that feels sticky or brittle, or is discolored looking.  (Also, do not use if the package has been damaged prior to opening.)
  • Do not expose condoms to extreme heat or cold.  (This means don't leave condoms in your car glove box or in your wallet!)
  • Handle the condom carefully - make sure not to damage it with your fingernail, teeth, or sharp objects.  
  • Place the condom on the erect penis before it comes in contact with the vagina.
  • Uncircumcised men should pull back their foreskin before putting on a condom.  
  • If you use a spermicide, place some inside the tip of the condom before putting on the condom.  (Though I suggest using a spermicidal condom every time!)
  • For a condom without a reservoir tip (which I do not suggest using), leave a small empty space - about a half-inch - at the tip for semen, but do not allow air to get trapped at the tip.
  • Unroll the condom all the way to the bottom of the penis.
  • Ensure that there is adequate lubricant, or else the friction may cause the condom to break
  • If your partner is a female and the condom breaks during intercourse, withdraw and use a spermicide.  (I would also suggest taking Plan B - it is most efficient if taken within 72 hours, the earlier the better.  Of course I do not suggest taking it if it is against your personal or religious beliefs.)
  • After ejaculation, carefully withdraw the penis while it remains erect.
  • Hold the rim of the condom against the base of the penis as the condom is withdrawn to prevent the condom from slipping off.
  • Always check the condom for tears before removing it.  If any are found take the necessary precautions.
  • NEVER USE A CONDOM MORE THAN ONCE!  If you plan on having sex again - put on a new condom.  (I recently heard someone say that they'd use a condom twice in a row because they are expensive... that logic is ridiculous and I'm pretty sure condoms are way cheaper than a baby...)
I know these rules seem simple and obvious, but you wouldn't believe the stories I hear.  I'm continually amazed by the stories people tell me and the lack of common sense people use.  Make protecting your sexual health a priority!  I wish that more people would take the risk seriously - you only have to have unprotected sex once to get pregnant or contract an STI.  Is the risk worth it, when the consequence could be HIV??